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Showing posts from January, 2020

Story-Boarding Lesson

story-boarding  Jurassic Park - Written Storyboard Low angle full shot of the raptor filling the doorway pans to a medium shot of the 2 children, the pan speeds up towards the children before stopping harshly. A brief side medium shot of the raptors head popping out the doorway. A long shot of the raptor pans again to the children showing their position in the room compared to the raptor ending with all 3 of them in frame and the camera still moving before it cuts. It cuts to a low angle shot of the doorway in a medium shot, the camera slightly follows the first raptor making room in the doorway and frame for a second raptor, slightly deepening the low angle. A dirty shot of the girl in medium/long at eye level, she is situated middle/far right, that pans up as she looks over. The shot pans until the raptor is middle/ far left of the screen before panning back with her. The camera pans slowly left but fast right as she ducks for cover. Before returning to the ...

From script to screen prompts

From script to screen prompts person:  Big Game Hunter place:  Wharf object:  Handcuffs Ideas - The hunter is arrested on the wharf after a bad time at sea hunting - The big game hunter free's trapped animals at the dock to fight them only using handcuffs - Moby Dick - A hunter is being sent to Australia for breaking the law when he breaks free and rides a whale into the sunset. - A hunter recounts his failed whaling mission before being arrested. - The hunter free's all the animals by handcuffing the zoo workers, lets them loose into town so he can hunt them. - Big game hunter catches an ape then lets it go.

Soundscape images

Soundscape images 24