Photo Storyboard

Jurassic Park - Written Storyboard
Low angle full shot of the raptor filling the doorway pans
to a medium shot of the 2 children, the pan speeds up towards the children
before stopping harshly.
A brief side medium shot of the raptors head popping out the
A long shot of the raptor pans again to the children showing
their position in the room compared to the raptor ending with all 3 of them in
frame and the camera still moving before it cuts.
It cuts to a low angle shot of the doorway in a medium shot,
the camera slightly follows the first raptor making room in the doorway and
frame for a second raptor, slightly deepening the low angle.
A dirty shot of the girl in medium/long at eye level, she is
situated middle/far right, that pans up as she looks over. The shot pans until
the raptor is middle/ far left of the screen before panning back with her. The camera
pans slowly left but fast right as she ducks for cover. Before returning to the
medium 2 shot of the characters.
A high angle long shot of the of the room places the
children bottom right and the 2 raptors top left, and pans left and down slightly,
so the children don’t pass the middle mark on screen.
An eye-level MWS dollies with the children as they come crawls
around and down a kitchen unit, the camera cuts to a dirty shot of the girl, high
angle on her and low angle on the raptor, still on dolly.
It cuts to an eye level, close-up on the girl as she crawls.
The camera is still on dolly.
The next shot is a low angle on the 2 children, the camera
shakes as the children push themselves up against the unit.
A low flat shot under the unit shows the raptors feet. The camera
pans to keep the feet in frame.

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