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'What If Metropolis' Travelogue

'What If Metropolis' Travelogue


As you crest over the rolling green hills that nest the city your heart and mind are torn as you lay your eyes upon the city of Diomira for the first time. Its bubbling silver domes pull your mind into thoughts of the future, of the cities advancements and mechanical marvels. Where as the pseudo Ancient adornment that dress the roads as they curve and dance around these structure pull the heart into the cities history. As one walks these roads the material underfoot often changes, Parts of the path restored to a near perfect visual. Thou the Look is the same, being different in material unmasks the hidden work done by the city. Along the path statues and pillars line both sides telling of the cities history. Old gods, New Gods and all alike stand posed and poised along the paths. Some made from a variety of materials however most made from bronze, With Escalating oxidisation as you head closer to a dome. The Statues nearest the dome seem untouched, layered with corrosion and moss, however at there base the name plat is clean, Repaired and polished, Few offering sit around it, still worshipped as the cities oldest Gods.

Stepping inside one of the domes, you pass through a large set of seemingly wooden doors. They sit embedded slightly into the surface of the dome. This semi-translucent metal that dances with both refracted and reflected coloured lights. A layer of thicker matter metal sits from ground to eye level at the base of a dome, an almost mock wall. As  i walk in neck craned high I see the dome from the inside and see the sky refracted to the perfect sunny day, a pleasant difference from the slightly bleak day outside. Inside is unlike anything one would expect, the streets are filled with light and unlike the clam surroundings, a cacophony of sounds, smells and sights flood over you like pure chaos. Small markets front the face of most buildings selling wears or spices bringing with them the sounds of trade and conversation as the smell of spices permeate the air. The buildings look like a collection of the worlds architecture from all manners of era's. However none of them seem old, or collapsing each one seems frozen in time a perfect representation of what it is and should be. The people that reside in the domes seem as varied and unique as the buildings they all dress in a manner fitting to themselves, no worrying about looks or social norms. I worry to think what the norm is for this place however if what I've seen so far is accurate to the whole city the normal dress is something personal and different. Each person themselves in a sea of others, each dramatically lit by multi-coloured lanterns hung from buildings or sent floating around the sky, like some kind of festival, no one fears to hide themselves, but instead are excited to share opinions and grow. Due to this the night of my arrival finished drunkenly on the street surrounded by new friends, seemingly the entire city.

As I moved from dome to dome throughout my day's visiting Diomira certain buildings seem to hum with activity more so then the lively city at large. My favourite by far would be its crystal theatre, rows of red velvet seats curve around a large wooden stage accented with brass trim and flanked with long red curtains. While i was there a local pianist was preforming for the week, as such the stage was clear all except a solitary black piano. The Stage was lit by spotlight even while at rest, and in the refracted light, the large crystal pillars that create the stages back drop glow slightly, in a mixture of pastel colour and shades. The atmosphere of the room was warm and inviting, the small areas of light made the room feel small and intimate even thou the theatre can seat some 15,000 guests, its shape and tiered seats make it deceivingly big for capacity considering its appearance from the outside. As with the rest of the city the materials of the chairs, stage and railing make it seam well worn and appreciated however unlike the seemingly fake wear of the rest of the city this is undeniably real and all the seams of maintenance and upkeep are on display. the reasons for the viability of these is unknown to me however this building and a few others like it across the city are treated differently to the rest of there building. Treated with a lighter more compassionate touch, rather that the high technological restoration used on other buildings.

At the epicentre of all the silver domes is a large courtyard paved with beautiful jet black slate, grouted with molten lead. The octagonal shaped plain is built around a tall white and silver tower, trimmed with lead accents and black patterns. The tower raises a golden statue high into the sky, A cockerel engraved with the cities history since its birth as a small river port. The statue covers a bell and pipe system that make it crow each morning with the rising sun. In general the courtyard is quite open, seemingly designed for use as a gathering spot to hold special event and occasions, that would be to grand to fit into and 1 specific dome of this seemingly Gargantuan city. The tower itself has the footprint of a small house, being used in itself as a meeting grounds for the cities many figures of authority.


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