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Creature 5 and 6 Description and Research


Creature 5 Description and Research

creature 5 is an alien entity of the planet, part of a competing line of evolution to the rest of the creature met so far. Its smooth skin with a pale yellow texture reminiscent of maggots. its biology and form look similar to predators on earth however it appears to only have a mouth, its libs extend to hooks at the front and single claws at the back, and seems to evolve for the soul purpose of hunting and fighting.

Creature 6 Description 

Creature 6 looks a lot like creature 5 however its large and muscly, its form is similar to a large ape. with long large arms and short legs. Like create 5 it has thick spines coming out there back, the texture of stretched skin and must use its nose and ears to  see as it has no eyes. We see creature 6 in the rocky cliffs towards the top of a volcano. It can move fast around the jagged environment and has the weight and strength to form the rocky environment it lives in. 



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