Big Game Hunter, Wharf, Handcuffs
Torran Rodgers
Version 1
Torran Rodgers
Version 1
EXT. Dock -Day
Fast shots create a rushed sense as a ape is sedated, handcuffed and loaded onto a boat before a cut to black and a fade in.
Ext. Boat Ocean -Day
The Hunter and the Ape are face to face in a tiny boat. the Ape is much larger then the hunter creating a comedic image as the hunter rows the small boat through the ocean. There aren’t any supplies on the ship the boxes are empty and there isn’t a lot of room on the boat to begin with.
The hunter tries to fish for some food however is unable to catch anything, the ape sees this and reaches into the ocean and pulls out a large fish. The hunter is surprised by this and frustratedly goes back to fishing, the monkey offers some to the hunter who turns away from the ape. The ape leaves the food next to the hunter and turns around himself.
Fade to the next day - the hunters clothes are more dishevelled.
The monkey is looking longingly out over the ocean as the hunter softly rows the boat looking at the back of the ape. The hunter stands up to look to see if the monkey is doing anything with his hands, but as he moves in the boat he trips and falls overboard. the ape breaks his handcuffs and saves the hunter from the ocean.
The hunter gives up on his venture and turns the boat around, seeing the boat going back the ape helps and pushes the boat back to land.
The hunter gives up on his venture and turns the boat around, seeing the boat going back the ape helps and pushes the boat back to land.
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