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Reflective Statement: Collaboration


Reflective Statement: Collaboration

This project was interesting, as its our only group project in the course. However as this is a reflective statement I will be righting about my personal struggles with the Project and not talking about how the group aspect of the project effected me.

I think I found the work reasonable and enjoyed most of the work I was doing. I engaged well with preproduction helping with ideation and righting, finishing my work in that department with he animatics. I feel like our project could have been improved if we thought thought about our ideas more and thought about the limitations of the group before coming up with the ideas. Thinking of an animation that didn't require speech or spoken exposition.

In production I felt like I did well and initially thought the intention of the sets would come across. however seemingly its intentional appearance didn't work so if I where to do it again I would make the sets obvious in there intentions. This wasn't a problem in many of our conversations however it came up when new eyes saw the animation it came to light. Moving forward I will show my animations to people out of the loop more to get fresh impressions of my work.

overall even though it was a stressful project, I'm happy its done and have learnt some stuff from the process.


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