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Collaboration Scripts 1


Collaboration Scripts 1

Fire: 1

Location: Cave, Evening

Mid shot of Cave men, one in hitting rocks together while the other's are huddled together for warmth.

Narrator: The first scientific discovery man kind made is believed to be the discovery of fire. after striking 2 rocks together embers ignite dry fuel to create fire. Lets see the moment this family discovered fire.

Young caveman girl hits rocks together and sparks fly and land on her brothers club. Causing a fire to start, surprised all the cavemen jump back and away. Upon realising the fires creates heat they huddle around the flames for warmth. Curious the young boy cave man pokes the fire with a stick catching it on fire. All the cave men are surprised, the dad take the stick away form him, and lifts his clothes on fire. he starts happy with it and stats making more spots on his clothes.

Soon after he starts panicking an as the fire engulfs him causing him and his family to panic.

Transition from the 3D environment to a 2D depiction of the scene where the dad is shown as a demon, literally demonising fire in a cave painting.

Narrator: Fortunately for this family they discovered playing with fire was a bad idea.


The First Eclipse: 1

Location: Mayan Temple, Day

Narrator: A solar eclipse is a Scientific phenomenon, understood by many in the modern age but lets look at how the Mayans reacted to there first eclipse.

At a temple a King is about to be crowned. In the crowd a shady figure looks menacing and armed.

The king looks up towards the sun in horror before the eclipse happens. The scene moves to a stylised effect where only the eyes can be seen.

When light returns to the scene the next king has been assassinated and pandemonium ensues around it.

Narrator: An unfortunate overlap of event like this can cause some confusion and create..  well ... lets say dangerous customs.

A Mayan drawing fills the screen depicting a sacrifice happening at the eclipse.


Witchcraft: 1

Location: Simple wooden house, Day

Narrator:  Science has often scared people, nothing shows this more then prejudice shown to the first chemists.

In the hut a young women is shown boiling water. and behind in a window a nosy person is watching. the next scene shows her washing her hands in a pond with 2 people watching. the next scene shows her bandaging someone's leg with 3 people watching. Cut to black and fades in onto the young women tied to a stake with a unamused face as the people stand by with torches in there hand. 

Fades to an etching of the time depicting the scene.

Narrator, looking disappointed : The witch trials of the early modern period set a new bar for overreacting.


Electricity: 1

Location : A Field, Evening

Narrator: Scientific discovery and danger go hand in hand, especially when harnessing nature.

the camera pan to see a key on a kite flying in the sky. As lightning hits the kite you see a man in a suit thinking on how to use this power before a lightbulb appears above his head and we fade out.

We hard cut to BBQ style event with meat being suspended on kites and struck by lightning as a way of cooking.

fades to an oil painting of the event

Narrator : As you can see sometimes the best use of these scientific discoveries are discovered later on.


Space Travel: 1

Location: Moon

Narrator: More recent discoveries came with improvements in technology like the low gravity on the moon.

2 astronauts are on the moon unsure in there footing. one tries to do a standing jump but as they do it they don't land and instead keeps the pose as they slowly lands. expectedly the astronauts look at each other.

the next scene we see the astronauts setting up to play baseball as one hits the ball they see it go up and disappear out of  view. before the pitcher turns around in disappointment.

fades to a polaroid picture of the scene.

Narrator:  As you can see further research is needed, along with better astronauts.


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