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Minor: Script

Minor: Script 

Non-Human Resources script one.

Script 1 

Ext Space: 

We fade from black to a scene of stars in space as a bag band song starts to play leading into its first Corus. 

(We see a huge spaceship fly from screen right to screen left but the camera pans to follow it, as it flies of into to distance, we see the Tital screen appear showing. NON-HUMAN RESOURCES.) 

Cut to black. 


Int Office Room: 

We cut with tv static. 

Ranger 1 is sat at a desk within an obvious office interview situation, we can expect that the camera exists in the scene as an interview camera as ranger 1 spikes the lens trying to avoid it. 

Ranger 1 looks like hes gone through the wringer, wearing a damaged suit, with burn marks and rips, his head has soot on it too. 

We hear the music continue now playing through a radio next to ranger 1 on the desk. Ranger 1 then organises himself and the radio on the desk setting it perpendicular before turning it off. The serves as a Character introduction to show ranger 1 as an organised near ODC personality. 

Interviewer: Alright, So Ranger --- you’ve filed for reassignment, is that right? 

Ranger 1: Yes 

Interviewer: Okay... Your reason being... (sound of paper flipping)  2 pages worth of action reports. 

Interviewer: For A Team with so many commendations to break up, will be a loss to the ----, We all thought with your success you and --- were getting along fine. 

Ranger 1 looks off at the interviewer and then looks to the camera. 

Ranger 1: Look he is not a good Partner okay; He struggles to follow the simplest of instructions. Like I asked him to. 


Ext Alien Planet: 

Rangers 1 and 2 are at the end of a half-created hologram bridge looking back towards the control panel. 

Ranger 1: STAY.BY.THE.CONTROLLS. Now look what's happened 

Ranger 2: You don’t really think this was my fault 

Ranger 1: YOUR FAULT, All I asked was stand by the controls, Now look what's happened 

The audience is shown a cute native animal dangerously close to the controls. 

Ranger 2: Come on its harmless it won’t turn the bridge off. 


Ranger 1 whips his head angrily at ranger 2. 

Ranger 2: uuuuurrr Whoops 

Both ranger 1 and 2 drop fast out of frame as the bridge cuts out. 

Ranger 1 voice over: He’s incredible bad at protocol half are mission start with one target and end with another  


Ext Mission Shuttle: 

Ranger 1: Okay this is a simple “Monitor and Survey”, No Clearence for force of any kind.  

Ranger 2: Roger! 

Ranger 1: Right, run me through the plan. 

Ranger 2: First I land and proceed into the mission zone. The area has thick foliage for cover making this an easy stealth mission. 

Ranger 1: That Right. 

Ranger 2: Exactly. That’s what the enemy will suspect. 

Ranger 1: Wait, What? 

Ranger 2: So instead, I'll go in guns blazing, Real hammer and chisel style, there won’t be anyone to take the hostages if there all dead. 

Ranger 1: What, What Hostages. 

Ranger 2: Exactly, then I'll highjack one of their transports, Vrrrrr. causing mass pandemonium in their ranks, as they start firing on each there. Pew PewI'll make my heroic escape as I set off 10 KG’s of hydrogen explosiveBooom. Then I'll make my way to the extraction point, where you’ll pick me up. 

We see ranger 1’s face in amazement at his partner's plan 

Ranger 1: What explosive’s 

Ranger 2: These ones 

Ranger 2 pulls out explosives and drops them in the shuttle activating the clock. 

Ranger 1: Wait, stop, No No No No. 

Ranger 1 voice over: “He keeps going on about his instincts but in action” 


INT Decaying Spaceship: 

Ranger 1 and Ranger 2 are running through a spaceship that is being destroyed when they come to a crossroads. The left Path is clean with little damage and lights pointing to an escape pod, the right path is half broken with red lights and weird alien appendages coming out. 

Ranger 1 looks down both paths and starts walking down the left one before being dragged down the right path 

Ranger 2: Alight lets go. 


INT Office Room: 

Interviewer: So, Ranger 12345. 

Ranger 2: Please just call me ___ 

Interviewer: Alright ____, How do you feel your partnership with ____ is going? 


Ext Alien Planet: 

Ranger 2 voice overWe make a great team; my natural leadership and quick thinking gets us out of all sorts of problems. 

Ranger 2 is shown moving a rock with ranger 1 in the background, behind the rock is a small creature, we see ranger 2’s reaction before more start to appear before eventually showing there sharp teeth. 

We see a treetop shot as the 2 Rangers Scream. 

Ranger 1: AAAAHHHHH! 

Ranger 2: AAAAHHHHH! 

Ranger 2 Voice over: You know I don’t want to brag. 


Int Office Room: 

Ranger 2: But I've saved ___ from a few sticky situationsone time we narrowly escaped a Banther attack. One of my finer moments. 

Ranger 1 voice over: Can You guess who caused the Banther attack. 


Ext Alien Planet: 

Ranger 1 hands ranger 2 a long metal cylinder before going back to the lander to get more boxes. Ranger 2 messes with it causing it to launch a rocket into the mountain. Ranger 1 pokes out of stage left. After realising what's happened just starts running. 

Ranger 2 looks at the camera nervously before we cut to the 2 rangers running from a large beast as both screams. 

Ranger 1: AAAHHH! 

Ranger 2: AAAHHH! 

Voice over interviewer: I thought you guys where commended for that mission 

Voice over ranger 1: We Were 


INT Press Room: 

We see ranger 2 standing with a medal as the audience is taking his picture repeatedly. He keeps posing in different positions. 

Ranger 2 voice over: Wow I’ve never been to a photo shoot like this before, Damn the camera loves me. I have no idea why I have a medal though? 


Int Office Room: 

Ranger 1: I still have no idea how he made it out of the academy, surely, he shouldn't be a ranger. 

Interviewer: I Don’t know his records show some pretty impressive scores. 

Ranger 1: What Do You mean?? 

Interviewer: It says here he scored, uurrr One 

Ranger 1: ONE!!! 

Interviewer: Hundred... 

Ranger 1: HUNDRED 

Interviewer: And 9 

Ranger 1: AAAAAHHHHH!! 


Ext Alien Planet: 

Ranger 2 voice over: You Know What, I was born to be a ranger, the Exploration the adventure. Even the political intrigue. I'm a Master of them all. 

The 2 rangers are getting straightened out looking to be in full uniform for a diplomatic meeting. We also see a small alien doing the same thing. As the alien picks up an egg around the same size and himself and turns the corner to greet the 2 rangers, he is hit by a blaster and nearly half disintegrates. 

Ranger 2 is shown to be the one who shot as ranger 1 stands in complete disbelief. 

Ranger 2: Wow That was close, what was it gonna do with that egg, (Shivers) Yuck. 


Quick Cut to range 1 as he slams the desk in frenzied rage 

Int Office Room: 


Ranger 1: He’s a loose cannon, A Menace, A threat to this very Institution. Just get one of the missions probs in here They’ll tell you 


Static cut to the same camera with a robot sitting in frame being interviewed 


Interviewer: Okay so can you please tell me about the performance of range 2? 

Robot: I am programmed to review a ranger's performance then assign, there value a numerical value. That being said, WHAT THE F£$% 


EXT Alien Planet: 

From the robot's perspective we see both rangers unloading boxes from a landed spaceship, as the robot starts to make their point. 

Robot Voice over: As Ranger 1 has stated Ranger 2 can be considered unfit for active duty. Alone he has an expected mission success rate of 10% and a Survival rate of 12%. However, when paired with ranger 1 Both these rates are elevated to well beyond 95%, leading to the pairs long string of commendations. It is safe to say ranger 1 Is actively keeping ranger 2 alive and enabling him to be an effective ranger. 


INT Office Room: 

Ranger 1: It's not that I think ranger 2 is a bad partner. It's just getting hard for me to keep him safe; you know. Its constantly keeping him in check and I'm starting to lose the strength to do it. He’s, my friend. But he needs someone next to him on missions that can give it to him clean. Not someone who will let him slack because of a friendship. That’s why we both need new mission partners. Before I let Ranger 2 hurt himself on a mission. Can we please do that. 

Interviewer: To be honest this was just a formality. Ranger 2 has already been reassigned. 

Ranger 1: That’s good, someone reliable, I hope. 

Interviewer: His new partner is Ranger 705. Tom tungsten 

Ranger 1: Wait, you put him with tom tungsten. 

Interviewer: Yeah. 

Ranger 1: YOU PUT HIM WITH BUILD A BOMB TOM. ARE YOU CRAZY. What's gonna happen when he blows something up. 


Ranger 2 runs through the door with a homemade bomb excited to show ranger 1 what he built. 

Ranger 2: Hey look what I made. 

Ranger 1: What is that. 

Ranger 2: I don’t know but it's counting down. 

Ranger 1 throws the device out of frame and braces for the impact, ranger 2 doesn’t brace or but his helmet on. Ranger 1 looks up at 2 buts his helmet on before both are sucked into space. 


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