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Minor: Step Outline


Minor: Step Outline

Working on a step outline so I have a clear idea of what happens when, when I wright the script

Script step outline 2: 

He is not a good partner; he struggles with following simple instruction. You say that like he does not listen to you. Cuts to ranger 1 complaining about how 2 did not listen to the instructions of staying by the controls. An error that has caused both rangers to be stuck on a half built holo bridge held hostage by a small rodent near the controls. 

He cannot be that bad with protocol, which if followed by asking to review one of their previous mission logs. Ranger 2 stands at the exit of a shuttle about to jump and gets questioned about the mission procedure for a simple “Monitor and surveillance” drop. He gives an impassioned speech equal to a war movie plot. 

“He keeps going on about his instincts but in action” 

The 2 rangers are escaping from a breaking up ship and are given 2 options about escape routes. Ranger 2 pulls one down the obviously dangerous route. 

Ranger 2 feels there is no problem with their partnership, with his natural leadership skills he always finds a way around their problemsRanger 2 is shown moving a rock and uncovering a nest of small lizard like creatures. 

Ranger 2 “doesn’t” brag about how he’s saved 1s life a half Dosen times. even from a Banther that one time. 1’s voice is layered over asking the interviewer who they think caused the attack. Where we see 2 get handed a tube and told not to just hold it. He proceeds to first a rocket at a mountain where we cut to the 2 running from a large creature. 

The interviewer says something about seeing the medal ceremony for those efforts. We see ranger 2 standing with a medal posing for photos and we hear his internal monologue going on about how he is modelling the uniform and he has no idea why he has a medal. 

Ranger 1 asks about how he made it out of the academy and the interviewer answers telling him he was a top candidategoing on the say he scored “one.... hundred.... and nine” where ranger 1 just screams. 

Ranger 2 says how he was born to be a ranger, a symbol of peace in the galaxy. We see him and ranger one talking getting ready for a mission as we see a small creature carrying a large egg turn the corner and get shot by range 2. 1 runs to hold the creature and screams into the sky as we see range 2 talk about how it was going to plant its egg into them. and We cut to a frantic ranger 1 scream into camera “He shot the Krin ambassador” Hes a menace, get a mission drone in here they will tell you. 

The mission robot arrives and goes through mission success rated and survival rates of missions.  



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